Available Originals

This list displays my original watercolors that are available for purchase. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

I photographed these Pronghorn Antelope in the Davis Mountains. The Pronghorn is a unique species with no other relatives in the world. They are NorthAmericas fastest land animal and can maintain speeds of 60 miles per hour or more for hours on end.

Available for purchase:

I was driving east of Waco on a hot summer day when I came upon a herd of Milk Cows cooling themselves off in a stock tank. I've seen my own cattle do this but the contrast of the blue water and black and white patterns on the Cows is what got my attention.

Available for purchase:

This Hackberry Tree is out in our yard and has been a host to lots of birds like this Yellow Shafted Flicker, (a medium sized woodpecker) who dine on bugs that hide in its Bark!

Available for purchase:

Painting Size 12" x 20", Outside Frame Size 19"x 27" Price $1450. This Black Tailed Jack Rabbit is one that I photographed here on our Ranch. I'm not sure if it is the same one that used to tease one of our dogs into chasing him, only to humiliate the dog with his speed and agility. After a few chases the dog gave up and refused to chase the rabbit.

Available for purchase:

I was walking my dogs one morning when I heard a loud racket coming from one of our Stock Tanks so I sneaked thru the brush to see what was there and was surprised to see Canada Geese on the water. I don't recall ever seeing Canada Geese this far south!

Available for purchase:

CATALINA MOTEL - is on East Hughes Street in Wichita Falls which prior to the new Freeway was the Grand entry to Wichita Falls from Dallas and Fort Worth and was lined with Fancy Restaurants and Motels to greet Weary Travelers. Today the Catalina is the only one still operating and I thought some Pontiac Catalinas out front would be really Cool!

Available for purchase:

This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my Paintings! I did a small painting using these colors and was so pleased with the results that I decided to paint it as a large Painting. This Painting was done entirely from memory

Available for purchase:

City Market opened in Downtown Luling, Texas in 1958 and their Pit Master Joe Capello has been there since 1962

Available for purchase:

City Meat Market opened in 1941 in Giddings, Texas. It is located at the intersection of Hwy's 77 and 290 so it's hard to miss. My favorite is their Sausage which they also provide to other award winning Barbecue Joints. This will be one of 12 Paintings to be featured on my 2017 Texas Classic Barbecue Calendar!

Available for purchase:

This painting was inspired this last June! Texas had Record Rainfall and as a result, record amounts of Wildflowers. Normally the Bluebonnets are the Spring Special Feature but this year the show went on way into Summer.

Available for purchase:

I got this idea watching Martha watering her plants on our Porch and thought adding the Cardinal was appropriate!

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This Striped Skunk seems to be stopping to smell the flowers but is more likely looking for food! Our dogs have a habit of finding these Critters early in the morning on our walks on the Ranch and we always hope they are smart enough to keep a safe distance!

Available for purchase:

This painting was done from memory at Canton First Monday Trade Days.

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This is one of those Horse before the Cart Paintings where I wanted to use the Sunburst in a Painting so I came up with an idea to justify it. The Cowboy is Morris Vann of Lampassas who gave me the privilege of riding in a round up several years ago!

Available for purchase:

This Drive In was in Jewett, Texas and was closed down when I photographed it in 1981. It reminded me of my teenage years and the nights we spent cruising from one end of Austin to the other, with no particular goal except to look cool and see who else was cruisin’. Wow ya’ll, was that Elvis in that Merc?

Available for purchase:

This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my Prints. This Spring (2012) was one of the best for Wildflowers and the Indian Blankets or Fire Wheels were gorgeous. I was driving along and happened to glance off the road for a brief moment to see several horses in a Field of Indian Blankets.

Available for purchase:

Martha and I found this Wild Turkey Gobbler lying in the road one morning and we had apparently interrupted a Bobcat's breakfast. I've always wanted to paint a Turkey in flight so we spread his wings and I took photographs. That's our house in the background but we don't have a windmill.

Available for purchase:

Early one Morning I was walking back from feeding our Ducks at one of our stock tanks and I saw Deer grazing in the morning mist with our John Deere Tractor in the foreground and I thought it would make a good painting so I moved the Deer up closer and this is the result!

Available for purchase:

This Romanesque Revival style Courthouse is in Cuero, Texas and was designed by A. O. Watson and built in 1897. Mr. Watson went Bankrupt building this courthouse.

Available for purchase:

in the 2800 block of Guadalupe, an Austin legend since 1926. Actually named Martin's Kumbak Place, It's been called Dirty's by the locals for generations. "Dirty's" is rather sentimental to me because when I was a teenager, I lived about a block away and my best friend Roy Schafer lived in the apartment above the Restaurant. Many Saturday and Sunday Mornings we would clean the parking lot and would be paid with a Cheeseburger and a Malt!

Available for purchase: